We have all heard the word AVID around the school. I personally never knew what it meant. Is it a class? An afterschool activity? And, who runs AVID? Mr. Baker an 11th grade AVID teacher, and a 9th grade honors English teacher was able to answer some of these questions. AVID is an elective you can take here at Rosemount High School. It is a class that helps make students college ready and prepared. Here’s how AVID works, every Tuesday and Thursday students write questions they have on any academic class. There are outside tutors who come to help students with questions they may have. Students will usually break into small groups and have a tutor lead them. Students will put their questions on the board, the way the tutors teaches the students is by giving them hints so they can figure it out on their own. If you interested in AVID you do have to apply. According to Mr.Baker “It’s not like your average class like Baking 101, you have to show that you want this opportunity.” You will have to fill out an application and go through an interview. The whole point is to make sure you’re actually going to try your best, and your taking college seriously. Mr. Baker says “you can see the happiness in a students face.”AVID helps kids whose parents may or may not have gone to college. Avid is great way to help you get prepared for college if you are anxious. If your interested make sure to talk to your counselor.
Meena Thakurdial