Come see “Shrek: The Musical” presented by Rosemount High School! The musical is based on the movie Shrek. The lead roles are played by Nick Tentis (Shrek), Hannah Beumer (Fiona), and Alex Robinson (Donkey). Shows are December 6, 7, and 8 at 7:00 pm and December 9 at 2:00 pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are only $9 for adults, $7 for seniors, and $5 for students.
Mr. Miller, the director of this production who has been a part of the theatre program for 20 years, said “Some difficulties we faced were with prosthetics, because the audience has seen the characters before”. The cast has a total of 44 people and the orchestra is estimated to have 20-30 people.
If any students are interested in taking part in any other theatre program, they can visit the theatre lobby near the Performing Arts Center or join the Schoology class. Again, the shows are December 6, 7, and 8 at 7 pm, and December 9 at 2 pm. Bring your friends and family and come watch!